Tuesday 18 October 2011

Art Rules- Douglas Fogle

The article the October edition of Frieze which I engaged with the most was called Art Rules. As a student hoping to become part of the art world I found Fogle's blunt and quite frank views and rules on living in the art world insightful but most of all humorous. The general feel I got from the article was that I was taking advice from a person who had far more experience in the art world than most, perhaps in a kind of been there, done that way or even a do as I say, not as I do way. Although there is a light-hearted tone throughout the article, the points the writer makes are serious and, in my opinion, pretty good advise. The section I connected with most came under the rule Have Fun because I do believe that if you're doing something you love and that you genuinely enjoy then you're bound to put more effort into it! Even though some of the rules sound ridiculous, i.e Kill Your Parents it does carry important information and advise. The way Fogle makes references to other artists helps the reader feel involved as it gives them something to relate to.

Art Rules 
1. Art hurts.
2. Kill your parents.
3. You can learn more in the world than you can in school.
4. Don't wait for the 'man' to come to you.
5. Don't spend more time networking than making work.
6. Have fun.
7. Live wrong.


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